Customer Service: _____ Publishers. Can I help you?
Me: Hi, my name is Kathy Mansfield, and I’m the textbook coordinator for the state of Kentucky. I noticed that our contact person from your company has retired, and I’d like to find out her replacement.
Customer Service: Which county?
Me: I’m the coordinator for the whole state, so I need to know the person who is the contact for your company for the whole state of Kentucky.
Customer Service: We don’t do things that way. What county?
Me: Well, we have lots of counties in Kentucky. I need to know the name of the person who handles the state contracts and bids so that I can get some information to him or her.
Customer Service: Ma’m, as I’ve said before, we don’t operate that way. You have to give me the name of a county. We have representatives for each county.
Me: I am the state textbook coordinator for Kentucky and represent all the counties in Kentucky.
Customer Service: Which county?
Me: The name of the previous person was ___________. Can you tell me who replaced her?
Customer Service: We do not have state representatives. We have reps for each county. Which county?
Me: Ummm, well, let’s see, I guess Jefferson County.
Customer Service: Elementary, middle, or high school?
Me: All grades. I am the state coordinator for all the textbooks for all the grades in the state of Kentucky.
Customer Service: We don’t operate that way. Elementary, middle, or high school?
Me: Ummm, I guess, high school?
Customer Service: The high school representative for Jefferson County is _____.
Me: Will he be able to give me the information I need for the state contracts and bids?
Customer Service: The high school representative for Jefferson County is _____.
Me: Okay, then.
Customer Service: Have a nice day.
Me: (heavy sigh)