Today while sitting at Panera Bread restaurant with Rick, a woman about 20 years old at a nearby table was on the phone speaking quite loudly. She was talking to some store or business, and in the course of her conversation she said out loud (so that any table within 15 feet of her could hear) her full name, address, telephone number, credit card number, and credit card expiration number! And folks wonder how identify theft can happen so easily. Gee whiz! I kept telling Rick that I was going to write down everything she said and then go shopping on the internet to teach her a lesson. However, Rick said that would get me arrested rather than teach her a lesson. My Plan B was to lean across my table, less than 10 feet from her table, and mention that I was able to hear everything she said and that anyone around her would be able to write down and access her accounts. Rick said this would be inappropriate. Thank goodness for Rick's tactfulness. I probably would have been slapped.