As a 16-year career librarian, I am ashamed to admit that I rarely have time (take time?) to read books. I read the occasional picture book so that I'm familiar with what is new, but I usually skim the new picture book orders that arrive at my school rather than read them straight through. The bain of my job is that although I am the person responsible for previewing, ordering, and promoting children's books, I am not able to actually sit and read the books while doing my job. This is tantamount to "sitting down on the job" in the eyes of many of my coworkers. So, over the years I've become a magazine reader more than anything else. I can pick up a magazine and read an article fairly quickly, whether at work, at home, or in the supermarket. Besides the monthly kids' mags that I read (American Girl, Nick, Ranger Rick, etc.), the following is a list of grown-up magazines that are a staple for me right now.
• Adoptive Families
• Time
• National Geographic
• Entertainment Weekly
• Christianity Today
By the way, I DO have a copy of Where the Red Fern Grows checked out from my school library. Although I've had it in my bookbag for two weeks, I haven't cracked it open. Fall Break will be here soon, so maybe I can tackle an actual book then!